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Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • chintu25
    02-13 10:21 AM
    Agreed this is discrimination, what stops us from fighting this discrimination using legal class action lawsuit? Is it the money required or did a lawsuit fail earlier that inhibits us to file class action lawsuit?

    I agree with some senior members when they say that no one individual will come forward for the lawsuit . And I ask why should they ??

    And I think, even if one single or 2-3 people do come forward it will not be possible.

    This is the reason we have forums like our IV so that all can come together and take a decisive step together

    Who can stop IV to file a lawsuit USCIS ? NO ONE

    Many members went on blabbering about how long the process is and how expensive it is ... REMINDER if we can come together and collect upwards of 35k FOR "Lobbying Efforts" we can definitely collect funds for a lawsuit.

    Some one here rightly said ...If we are retrogessed and there is a queue ..Is it because of you or me ?? NO it is due to the inefficiency of the USCIS.


    Again , I want to reiterate , I think if IV core takes lead...hires a good attorney ....we will have funds for it....we have proved it in the past that IVians can contribute

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  • rajeshalex
    07-04 10:21 AM

    Could you tell at 140 level does a candidate needs to submit all the previous
    H1 Approval notices.

    I couldnt submit my previous 140 approval notice since it was during 2000-2001. How important is the previous H1 B approval notices for a 140 approval ? . I submitted the current approval notice which is from 2006-2009


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  • sk2006
    08-15 03:56 PM
    Your argument sounds like "Yes we do harass our own people here. So there is nothing wrong in harassing other country people"

    Yes people feel harassed but security norms are there for a reason.
    They are not magicians who would look at the face of the person and find if he is a good guy or not. Are they?

    Read this link:

    Don�€™t make a big deal of Shah Rukh�€™s detention:One For The Road:Anand Soondas's blog-The Times Of India (

    quote from this link:
    "Interestingly, the same day that SRK was detained in Newark, there came news that the great Bob Dylan, who was wandering around Long Branch, near New York City, sometime back, was asked for an ID by two cops too young to know who he really was. When he couldn’t furnish one, he was taken right back to the resort where he was putting up and staff there vouched for him. And America is Dylan’s own country."
    "There are two layers to the SRK incident and we must peel them off with care. One, it is quite ridiculous that Indians feel their icons and superstars are everybody’s icons and superstars. What the heck? If Jet Li came to India tomorrow, the man on the street here would probably call him ‘`Chinky’’ and not give a second look. For that matter, what if G�rard Depardieu came travelling. How many would know him? Matt Damon was here recently and there wasn’t a traffic jam in Delhi. These guys are huge back home. Moreover, America doesn’t have a culture of fawning the way India has. Mike Tyson was treated like a common rapist and spent most part of his youth in the slammer. Winona Ryder was sentenced to a three-year probation for shoplifting. Chinese born Hollywood actress Bai Ling was fined US 200 dollars for petty theft.

    More importantly, we are actually aggrieved because we are ``not like them’’. Well, guess what. It isn’t a virtue. We should be like them and take the security of our country and its people with solemn, no-nonsense professionalism.
    We are just whimpering over here like hurt puppies because we feel, ``Oh, but we don’t do it to them’’. Oh no, we don’t. And it’s a scandal. We should.
    So instead of making SRK’s detention an issue, we should think of upgrading our own security set-up.
    There’s a lesson in this. And it is a positive one. A day after our own 26/11, there was hardly any security at CST in Mumbai. It can’t get worse than that. The bottom line: Stop fawning, shed the colonial hangover and make no compromise where the country’s safety is concerned."

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  • ita
    03-31 07:00 PM
    Even Muslims in Gujarat have started realizing congress is good for nothing.Congress just makes promises that it never keeps up.Uses opportunistic politics.well of course you create opportunities that are helpful to people which will bring prosperity along with awareness.Increased awareness among masses means end to dynastic rule.So why keep up promises and shoot your self right?

    On the other hand Modi who doesn't even need Muslim votes in Gujarat has worked for overall development. In terms of this Imam from Gujarat;
    'Seeing him work for two or three years after the riots, Muslims too felt they had an opportunity to prosper in the peaceful environment that Modi government was creating. He has provided an atmosphere which is conducive for those who want to trade peacefully in Gujarat. Therefore, intelligent Muslims supported BJP during 2007 Assembly polls'

    Apparently there this group called ,'Tablighis ' who have foreign funding ( which was of course was checked by Modi govt) working towards keeping the hatred alive.It's anybody's guess who benefits from such hatred apart from congress party.

    This guy also says:
    'But let me tell you, projection of 2002 riots was much more grave than the situation actually was. '

    I agree with you that though a guy has a great leadership skills, commanding speech, great administartive and management skills, if he committed/aided the crime, he has no right to hold the office

    But you know congress party that orchestrated sikh riots went to form govt ,Rajiv Gandhi speaking about sikh riots said 'When a banyan tree falls earth will shake' then he went to be country's PM indulging in all kinds of scams.Now his wife,children are holding offices.Congress party guys directly involved in the attacks also keep getting party tickets.That OK?

    Agree hard work,entrepreneurship and other such qualities are in gujaratis's blood.Intersting how until Modi that time of prosperity never came.

    Most of Telugu people are in I.T , but time for Hyd to get onto International map didn't come until CBN.Again during the current Congress regime in Hyd that time kind of took back step.

    Name of that time is good governance.

    Well said. It is similar to Bill Clinton takes credit for revolution in IT area. It is all time. Gujarat prospered becuse of successful bussiness minded people. Growth was aided by high demand for export. I agree with you that though a guy has a great leadership skills, commanding speech, great administartive and management skills, if he commited/aided the crime, he has no right to hold the office. See the Alska Senator..He was one of the most successful politician and elected many times from alska for Senate. Now he is in jail at his very old age, just becuse he got money from oil comapines to renovate his house.


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  • GC08
    02-14 07:28 PM
    a 3-yr I just entered my 4th year of this endless pain..

    I think it should be based on how long they have paid tax (say 5 years). For example, for those who have been legally working for more thena 5 years and paid tax during the period, with labor and I140 approved, they should allow them to file I485 right away. :D

    I always feel allowing illegals become legals is a huge advance for them. For legal H1Bs, the only advance of similar magnitute is giving them GC without any delay (at least within a timeframe comparable to those illegals becoming legals).

    What do you think? :)

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  • webm
    02-12 12:51 PM
    Looks fresh and some positive movement for India EB3 ROW..this time atleast...:)

    Go India EB3 Go...

    Thanks to IV...



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  • h1b_forever
    07-28 03:48 PM
    Good one

    With your attitude, you will not even become millionaire in Zimbabwean dollars.:D:D:D

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  • Googler
    02-16 02:30 PM
    That is one way to look at things. The important thing is, whether the Judge looks at the situation the same way. It will be tough job to convince the Judge. If you seek legal opinion from a lawyer, lawyers mostly tend to say that you have a case expecting that that lawyer will be the one filing the lawsuit (i.e. making the money). So be careful with the idea and advise from a lawyer.

    And more importantly, even if 'we have a case', do we have folks who are willing to be plaintiff in this lawsuit. Are you or Googler or chandu (because he replied to my earlier posts suggesting that we will find someone to lead) willing to be the plaintiff, or are you encouraging others (putting the gun on other's shoulder to fire) to be the plaintiff. If you see that there is chance/value in filing lawsuit, why don't you decide to be the plaintiff? Either way, if you are a plaintiff or if you know someone who wants to be one, why don't you take this to IV team.

    Say we have a case, then to go to the next step we need -

    1.) Someone willing to take the initiative/lead
    2.) Plaintiff
    3.) Resources
    4.) There maybe more that I am not able to think at this time, because I no experience of filing class action lawsuit.

    How to find what we need to file lawsuit -

    For (1.), I suggest someone willing to give out his/her name as plaintiff should contact IV. I saw that folks are discussing this on too, but that site is not a non-profit. That site is owned by some guy who is earning good money of off the ads on his site. He won't spend resources to file for lawsuit although he has made good money off of the woes of others tracking their green card case status. So the only viable option is to get IV involved.

    For (2.), if you want to see this through, then, at least one of around 180 folks who voted for filing lawsuit should be willing to be the plaintiff. If not, then someone needs to make phone calls to find a possible plaintiff.

    For (3.), as mentioned above, I don't know of any one organized effort other than IV to lead such an effort of a lawsuit.

    Sanju, while I commend the thought you have put into this, note that the thinking on this is at a VERY VERY VERY preliminary stage. In real life class action lawsuits, named plaintiffs are chosen based on how well they fit the argument in the case, not the other way round. As I said upthread, all those who want decisions, deals, money etc RIGHT NOW are being pretty unrealistic -- probably just because of unfamiliarity with the progress of cases like this. I know people want to be reassured that there is NO risk of losing, every decision node is mapped out, responsibility assigned, but if that is what anyone is thinking they have to rejigger their thinking. ;-)

    If I fit the argument that is eventually made, I'd be more than happy to be a named plaintiff. I also have no problem ponying up a significant amount of money once I'm convinced about the legal argument and the attorney in question.


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  • needhelp!
    09-23 02:21 PM
    Sending link to TX chapter now.

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  • skrish
    09-24 09:51 PM
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to let all know, that I had made this suggestion sometime back on the IV NY yahoogroups. looks like it has gained traction since then. I ad also sent mails to Zoe Loefgren, the President and VP back then. :)

    I have sent my mails and told all my friends to send too. lets Go For it ....

    Together, We shall Overcome


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  • smuggymba
    07-27 08:17 AM
    One basic note that Amway/Quixstar guys/preachers/creatures should understand is that "Not every business/job is for every one".

    Few individuals can do only certain kinds of jobs. However, I notice that these Amway/Quixtar guys always project that, any dumbo can do this business (if followed rules). And also, they project that this is the only way earn money on this planet. If some one follows their own path (own ambitions), then they think that he/she is an idiot that they not joining them. For God's sake, Amway guys don't bug people. When some one said no means, Its NO. don't put pressure on strangers.

    I will tell you my experience/observations with most of the Amway/Quixtar guys that I met.

    1. They dream of early retirement, free money, free cruise trip, free vacations etc., where as in reality, they don't even buy good TV for them selves. I know few folks who purchased a 18 inches bathroom tv for $5.00. I am not against second hand a TV for less, but check the reality and see the difference between dreams and reality.

    2. Forget about TV, it may not be an essential in life for everyone. I also noticed that they don't even purchase proper food/groceries. May be not are alike. I have see many in my past 15 years of life in US either in Bayarea or in Texas or in PA.

    3. There was a Quixtar/Amway Summer conference few of years ago. I have seen 32 adult people stayed in a Single bedroom apartment (around 700 Sq Ft) for two nights. Yes, I literally counted people coming out of the door (right opposite to my apartment). I couldn't believe my eyes/brain initially but its truth.

    I am not offending any one intentionally, but know the difference between reality and dreams.

    These ppl just hang out at Walamart, Ikea, Malls and DMV and scour for desi ppl who are vulnerable and can be conned. The Amway guy I talked to spoke about retiring at 40 and making millions but was renting at 36 yrs himself and had a dingy old car. (I rent too but I don't plan to retire at 40 and make millions by conning ppl)

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  • old_hat
    05-03 01:59 AM

    Its not he....Its you...yes, you are the one comng in three different IDs and supporting yourself.:eek:

    get over delusional thoughts. At my age I am not looking for vindication from any quarters. my opinions are my own and mostly well supported with facts. And yes I am flexible to changing my views based on facts and arguments based on facts.


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  • dummgelauft
    06-24 01:39 PM
    This is what I received from a immigration lawyer ......


    There are few things that clearly demonstrate the overarching need for immigration reform than the most recent information provided by the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin provides information on the availability of immigrant visa numbers, which dictates when foreign nationals may apply for green cards under various preference categories. The July installment of the Visa Bulletin shows complete unavailability for the vast majority of employment-based cases. Moreover, DOS projections show that demand for higher-preference green card categories could reach record levels, which would lead to backlogs in these categories where green card numbers were traditionally available in the past.

    The Visa Bulletin establishes "cut-off" dates based on the demand for green cards versus the amount actually available under immigration law to each specific employment-based (and family-based) category per country for each fiscal year. As it assesses green card demand in relation to availability, the DOS may move these cut-off dates forward or back, or not at all. When the DOS believes that all immigrant visa numbers in a particular category will be exhausted (or allocated) by the end of a particular fiscal year (i.e., September 30th), it will indicate an "unavailability" of numbers (marked as "U") in the Visa Bulletin. The law prevents any single country from overuse of immigrant visa numbers during a particular fiscal year. As a result, foreign nationals born in countries from which there is significant immigration to the U.S. will typically have a separate "cut-off" date (and longer waiting times for an available green card number) in the Visa Bulletin.

    An individual's priority date or "place in line" for a visa number under the employment-based categories is the date on which his or her employer files a labor certification or immigrant visa petition with the government. Individuals assigned priority dates that are earlier than the relevant preference category cut-off date noted in the Visa Bulletin are eligible to move to the last step in the employment-based green card process - either processing of an adjustment of status application with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), or processing of an immigrant visa at a U.S. consulate abroad. When the category is "unavailable," individuals cannot file for adjustment of status or receive an immigrant visa.

    In the most recent Visa Bulletin, immigrant visa numbers continue to be unavailable for all third preference (EB-3) employment-based cases. Third preference cases comprise the majority of pending employment-based green card cases, as they include positions requiring at minimum either a bachelor's degree or two years of work experience.

    The July Visa Bulletin indicates that the first, second and fourth and fifth preference employment categories remain current for July. However, since demand in the second. preference category for individuals from China and India exceeds the per-country limitations, these two countries have second-preference cut-off dates of January 2000.

    Overall, the July Visa Bulletin continues a substantial decrease in green card availability over the government's 2009 fiscal year. Admittedly, the retrogression, or backward movement of the cut-off dates, has been more common for employment-based green card numbers in recent years. Yet the complete exhaustion of EB-3 numbers and the sharp decline in India and China's EB-2 numbers are staggering reversals given the slow yet steady improvement in these cut-off dates during the present fiscal year.

    DOS has projected that, as a result of significant filings in the EB-4 and EB-5 categories, there will be fewer numbers to supplement the EB-1 and EB-2 categories. In previous years, thousands of unused EB-4 and EB-5 numbers "spilled over" into other preference categories. However, greater-than-anticipated EB-4 and EB-5 usage, as well as greater demand in the EB-1 category itself, will create an even greater dearth of available "spill over" immigrant visa numbers in the EB-2 category.

    In addition, the DOS has indicated that the EB-1 category for individuals born in India or China may backlog or retrogress later this summer, and may do so again in the coming fiscal year. Predictably, prognostications for the EB-2 category for India and China are also quite grim - in the next month or two, the EB-2 category could become unavailable. In particular, USCIS has indicated that it has about 25,000 EB-2 India cases and "significant numbers" of cases for Chinese nationals that have been reviewed and are simply awaiting visa number availability. This category has a typical fiscal-year limit of 2,800, plus any remaining numbers from the EB-1, EB-4 and EB-5 categories.

    With respect to the EB-3 category, the DOS has stated that the worldwide, China and Mexico quotas for the EB-3 category will become available again with the start of the new fiscal year in October 2009, with a projected cut-off date of March 1, 2003 for each. However, the EB-3 India quota may have a November 1, 2001 cut-off date.

    The federal quotas limiting employment-based green card numbers have remained unchanged since 1990, nearly two decades ago. Since that time, the United States has undergone unprecedented expansion, technological development, and cultural diversification, in large part through immigration. During this progress, skilled immigrants have continued one of our country's oldest and proudest traditions - the search for better lives for their families, and the desire to contribute to and to participate in our free society. Still, these quotas remain stagnant, potentially stifling the future of our nation's ability in the 21st century to prosper as an economic competitor in our world, to build a broad-based infrastructure in our localities, and to live together as families in our homes.

    A quarter-century prior to 1990, major revisions to the immigration quotas sparked a historic influx of individuals to our nation of immigrants. In 1965, this broad-based increase in immigration levels across all preference categories allowed some of the world's most talented individuals to come to our shores and share their knowledge as academics, increase our economic fortunes as innovators and entrepreneurs, build vibrant communities as leaders and organizers, and inspire with their tales of strife and triumph as refugees. For many ethnicities and nationalities, the "post-65" generation was the real beginning of their stories in America.

    Faced with a major financial downturn and an increasingly competitive global economy, our country cannot choose the path of closed borders and restricted immigration. At this very moment, historically restrictive nations are expanding their immigration policies and attracting valuable immigrants otherwise bound for our shores.

    Absent relief provided by potential legislation, there will be substantial backlogs for nationals of India and China in all categories for many years. Careful and strategic planning for employers and foreign nationals entering into or engaged in the immigrant visa process will be necessary while we continue to advocate zealously for reform to address these antiquated quotas.

    These green card backlogs illustrate the need for comprehensive immigration reform. In particular, a long-overdue increase in employment-based green card availability would play a major role in making future generations of individuals feel welcome to come to our nation of immigrants and in spurring sorely needed innovation and prosperity.

    ..I am waiting for the punch line. What's the point of this? We all know it...

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  • legal_alien_007
    07-10 02:24 PM
    nicely written.. i wish u all the best


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  • nik.patelc
    09-03 03:07 PM
    Most of the Indian politicians are Illiterate. This guy is a medical doctor by profession.
    Loved by poor people. Hated by the fundamentalists. Most of the AP politicians are corrupt including former PM P.V. N RAO.


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    After reading for 2 days, you feel soory for this guys. Well, If he is popular and good CM, it should be evident that many life are touched and improved by his actions. YSR loved by Poor , those poors are still poors ... Who said Medical degree holder are all ethicial and non corrupted. I know many docotrs in india are cheaters and cares about money than patients. So dont buy that his having medical degree makes me good admirable politician.

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  • santa123
    07-21 07:43 PM
    Best case and worst case

    You have always brought some statistics onto this forum and many of us have felt that your numbers have some logic. I want to know what your confidence level is on those stats, may be you feel on the inside that this is theory and God only knows wht will happen. Since the processes that USCIS & DOL follow is not very clear to anyone, I am curious.

    Just as you know:
    Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. ~Aaron Levenstein


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  • veni001
    01-13 05:24 PM
    "Q: What happens if I am filing a petition requesting a �Continuation of previously approved employment without change� or �Change in previously approved employment� and an extension of stay for the beneficiary in H-1B classification, but I did not maintain a valid employer-employee relationship with the beneficiary during the validity of the previous petition?

    A: Your extension petition will be denied if USCIS determines that you did not maintain a valid employer-employee relationship with the beneficiary throughout the validity period of the previous petition. The only exception is if there is a compelling reason to approve the new petition (e.g. you are able to demonstrate that you did not meet all of the terms and conditions through no fault of your own). Such exceptions would be limited and made on a case-by-case basis."

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  • sweet_jungle
    02-12 11:39 AM
    huge move for EB3 ROw. it was expected I think.

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  • gc28262
    06-03 09:53 PM
    Giving an interim GC while visa number is unavailable will have the effect of bypassing the entire GC quota system. How do you want the interim card to be different from the final thing? No way that anyone in Congress will allow for their laws to be overridden through USCIS rulemaking.

    An easier fix would be to accord a FINAL status for a pre-adjudicated application. USCIS should not/cannot issue an RFE on an application once it has been accorded a FINAL status. The new status FINAL should be visible online and a formal document should be issued to the applicant stating that the application has been accorded a FINAL status.

    This is easier to get done rather than an iterim GC. Applicant gets the peace of mind and can go around buying houses, changing jobs etc whereas it is just a procedural change for USCIS.

    09-23 04:24 PM
    Hey! I like the idea and totally agree with you.

    02-13 11:33 AM
    Amit, noble thoughts. But that's not how majority of IV members think. We have members who think $50 contribution per month is too much. There is considerable opposition to making IV a paid forum (with even nominal fees of $10 or $20).

    Do you think we can get 500 members ready to contribute $500 here? Create a poll on this and see, you'll be lucky if you get 20! Like Jefferson said "those who prefer convenience over freedom and liberty, deserve neither". We are bound to suffer since we aren't ready to act.

    I think every body who wants to have a class action law suit should commit for $500 towards the expense. Only when we have commitment for $500 with person name and contact info, then we should move forward with the idea of Class action law suit. We need 500 people to commit for this otherwise there is no point in moving forward in this direction.

    There might be some people who will be willing to pay money but not listed as participant, and visa-versa and we should have at least 500 people who are willing to pay.



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