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Monday, May 30, 2011

justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

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  • lena
    Nov 24, 03:35 PM
    For those of us ordering online, if you go through, you can get a 2% cash rebate - every penny counts!

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  • Mac_Freak
    Sep 7, 09:31 PM
    He is performance aside, that was not what would ever expect from Apple.
    Kanye West's lyriks where anapropriate for the even. I am sure Steve or any one else in Apple has heard his liriks, just how did they allowed for that performace. The croud in that event didn't care for his performance and for sure wasn't in their taste, as I havn't see a jurnalists go "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?"

    ahh what is going on at Apple now days?!

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:30 AM
    come on guys.. stop crashing the iTunes Store :)

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  • Bevz
    Apr 15, 08:37 PM
    Probably a fake, but i like the design anyway...


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  • iCeltic
    Apr 16, 04:41 AM
    I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:

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  • MacRumors
    Jul 21, 09:01 AM (


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  • Macnoviz
    Oct 11, 01:53 AM
    I think that would be really great, because now, Zune and iPod are on par, with Zune slightly ahead for consumers that don't think too much (no, it is not widescreen, but try telling that to people)

    Now Apple has a chance to realy boost Christmas sales by just blowing Zune out of the water with a cheaper "music" iPod (30 gigs, no video?, $199) and a video iPod (60/120 gigs, widescreen, touch controls $349, $449)

    I don't know about the specs or prices, but new and better iPods could kill Zune in it's first season, before m$ completes the lineup with more players and devices.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • kainjow
    Apr 22, 10:22 AM
    I was initially opposed to having only an up-vote button, but it might not be a bad idea. Say a single "+1" button, and only display the count if it's >= 1. Might be worth trying.


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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.

    Those are easier for me because I grew up with them. I can't even say the name of my street right in this country. :P Terowi, like what's that?

    Anyways I degrees, this update better be for all stores since they are all down otherwise it'll be the first of a few disappointments of the evening.

    Yes there will be disappointments we always shoot to high and feel cheated.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • jaw04005
    Apr 21, 09:57 PM
    The biggest problem with Windows is Microsoft doesn't design Windows for consumers. The biggest chunk of their cash-cow comes from the enterprise. And the Windows desktop platform reflects that.

    That didn't change with Windows 7. What's sad is they have a lot of innovative consumer-focused product teams (Media Center, Zune, XBOX, Live, Bing, Auto Collage, Windows Home Server, etc) that don't work together and don't have enough clout to make their projects prominent. They should let those guys develop the next consumer version of Windows instead of just throwing their different projects into Windows sporadically or in most cases optionally.

    Take the Windows Live components:

    Windows Live Family Safety - Should be integrated into 7's Parental Controls
    Windows Live Mail, Mesh (Backup), Messenger, Movie Maker, Photo Gallery - Should be included on the default "home" version of 7
    Windows Live Writer - Should be included as an optional install

    Then you have the optional Zune jukebox, which should be the default media player in 7 instead of Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player in 7 has a really neat "remote media" feature (think Back to My Mac meets your iTunes library), but no one knows about it or how to use it. And it's not present in the optional Zune jukebox software and isn't compatible with Windows Phones or Zune devices (obvious oversight there).

    Then there's Media Center, which really should be updated to use the newer Metro UI and adopted to be the front-end media experience on both the XBOX 360 (and I'm not talking RDP-like Media Center Extender functionality), PC (for DVD/Blu-ray playback, etc) and possibly tablet UI.

    There's Microsoft Research's Auto Collage, which should be included as a plug-in for Windows Live Gallery instead of a $20 separate program that no one knows about.

    The "Drive Extender" technology that Microsoft recently pulled from Windows Home Server should have been how future versions of Windows handle hard drives (no more drive letters).

    Why Bing photos/themes aren't prominent in Windows 7 or the default wallpaper in 7 I'll never know.

    Don't get me started on the lack of Security Essentials being pre-installed as part of the default "home" version of Windows.

    The list is endless. It's like someone is asleep at the top. And the rest of Microsoft takes the attitude of "We make that? OK. Well, let's just throw it up on the Web site."


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  • BurtonCCC
    Mar 24, 09:29 PM (

    Do it. Except for real. :D

    Good luck! I think you have all of MacRumors behind you now! For a little clarification, you do see your console's serial number is on your wireless network?


    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • neiltc13
    Apr 10, 06:10 AM
    You do know that Windows had an App Store before OS X, but it got axed due to it being badly implemented which resulted in lack of custom? All they are doing there is returning and improving one of their own features, not copying Apple.

    If we consider only games, Microsoft's own game store has been running since December 2009. Games for Windows LIVE Marketplace.


    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • kresh
    Oct 28, 07:23 PM
    I don't think there are many out there who think all software should be free. I think these OSS advocates just want as much free stuff as possible, for many reasons.

    People want OSS because it spurs innovation. Keep in mind that OS X is built on OSS, and that's one of the reasons it's more secure and more powerful than windows.

    That's not to mention the fact that Apple has taken OS X from infancy to the mature OS that it is today at a record pace. This is, in no small part, due to the FREE code they're "stealing."

    Apple doesn't sell operating systems for profit, they sell HARDWARE. These people over at OSx86 are trying to create a product that doesn't really exist: OS X on BIOS hardware.

    That's just rationalization and obfuscation. Apple is not using anything outside of licensing stipulations. The GUI belongs to Apple. They are not giving OSx86 a license to Aqua thus it is theft.

    That fact just can't be gotten around.

    And to all those who seem to believe that Apple just has to open OSX up to run on any hardware or they will be doomed, you are ignoring history.

    Apple wen't down the road of the clones and it damn near put them out of business. It would be sheer stupidity to go down that road again and expect a different result.

    If Apple opens OSX to any hardware, just how will they compete? They could not compete against the cloners because they were smaller and could adapt new hardware alot more quickly.

    Apple would quickly see their hardware sales dry up, those sales lost to the Dells, Acers, HP, and the whole litanany of bargin basement hardware assemblers.

    If you really think Apple can't survive unless they open up OSX, explain how they would compete and win, don't just make a broad unsubstantiated demand that they open it up.

    And who cares about marketshare anyway? 80% of the market is made up of almost zero margin hardware sales, how much of that does Apple really want.

    /end rant

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • cult hero
    Mar 25, 12:27 PM
    They will either merge iOS and OS X into something new or they will simply drop OS X altogether in favor of iOS. Since iOS is much more successful than OS X ever was and since it is getting more and more features and we are currently being trained - or better: conditioned - to even obtain our development tools through the AppStore, an "open" platform like OS X will very soon become obsolete for Apple.

    *rolls eyes*

    I'm gonna say this again: not happening. Lion may very well be the end of OS X in the sense that they give it a new version number and use new naming conventions but iOS and OS X are not merging in the sense that OS X will be locked down like iOS.

    General purpose computers versus what are still treated consumer electronics (phones, tablets, etc.) have different needs and their OSes are different. Are there rumors about Windows 7 being superseded by Windows Mobile? How about doing away with Ubuntu in favor of Android?

    There are a lot of components that the two OSes share. They will continue to share components and will continue to, more or less shape one another. It doesn't make any sense to lock down a computer. Developers are what make a platform. Locking down a computer like the iPhone and making it hostile to developers will KILL Apple.

    Take your tinfoil hats off people. If you think we're heading toward a day when I can only install Apple approved AppStore apps on my laptop, you're just being paranoid. It doesn't help Apple AT ALL to do that.


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  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • Stella
    Mar 28, 03:31 PM
    Apple does not offer all of its own apps in the app store. Is Final Cut Studio in the app store?

    I'm betting the net Final Cut will be though!

    The 2011 Apple Design awards have become pretty meaningless.. last year OSX apps weren't, IRC, eligible, only iOS.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • arn
    Jan 8, 09:36 PM
    - Thin MacBook
    - 15"/17" MacBook Pro Revisions
    - iPhone Software Update
    - iTunes Rentals, Fox digital copies etc...



    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • Mooey
    Mar 23, 05:09 AM
    So last night I was checking my email after work and my computer makes a weird beep. I realized that the sound is made by Connect360 when a connection is made to an Xbox. I opened the program and it says my 360 is connected and media is being shared with it. This means that whoever stole my 360 is still in range of my wireless network.

    Got in my car with my laptop and found the range on my network is a bit larger than I had expected. About 8-10 houses on my block get at least some signal from my network

    This morning at 5am, my 360 connected to the network again and I decided to take a walk around the neighboorhood to see who was awake. I found two houses within range of my network that had a blue glow in the window from a TV. When the 360 was disconnected from the network about 30 mins later, I walked back around and there was one house that no longer had the TV on.

    I'm going to call the police department and talk to the officer that has been handling my case. I'm pretty sure I don't have enough information for them to get a search warrant but I'm getting more confident about actually getting my 360 back than I was three days ago.

    Bust some balls, HOOAH!

    It's like CSI for gamers, lol.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • bazzalisk
    Oct 3, 03:17 PM
    Merrom MBP ;p

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • aliensporebomb
    Apr 25, 11:50 AM
    Curiouser and curiouser.

    If it's a fake, whoever did it did a pretty interesting job on it.

    It looks plausible.

    I mean we had:

    iphone 3g
    iphone 3gs

    why not
    iphone 4
    iphone 4gs

    Which would give incentive for people to go for the white one I guess.

    then the 5 comes out later?

    May 2, 05:08 PM
    You obviously missed the irony of it all (and yes, OSX is around 10 years old now). Windows was never called "1, 2, 3" etc. so there's more irony for OSX which did takes 10 years to get where it is now (i.e that's how long they've been working on OSX; OS9 has NOTHING to do with the length of time they've spent on the current OS, which has little or nothing to do with OS9 technologically other than the similarity in GUI interface (save the overlap in Carbon libraries). OSX is based on NeXTStep, itself based on Unix. It's not based on Mac Classic OS 1-9. But then my ;) should have clued you in. But then Windows haters rarely get such humor, IMO.

    You're implying that I said something that you are "correcting" me on. Length of time of OS X development? Show me where I mentioned this before proceeding to "correct me". :rolleyes:

    The thing I mentioned was the progression of names: OS 9 then OS X. I know the two are vastly different. I know OS X is based on unix. But to say the numbering doesn't show a progression is silly. OS X instead of OS 10 indicates a significant change while preserving the numbering.

    I was only discussing the name Windows 7. Everyone with an answer believes they know. I don't know so I will not critique the individual answers. But I find it fascinating that between obvious Windows users there is no consensus. I've seen more than one explanation for the "7".

    And finally I am not a Windows "hater". I am a hater of people who care to waste my time telling me why using a Mac is "wrong". I will say that since being away from Windows for the most part for some time now, that I am lost on that OS. It used to be that I could go back and forth with ease. But the subtle changes to Windows have made it less intuitive IMO. And being a non-Windows user I think I am a good judge of whether it is intuitive or not when I try it. Microsoft has been making changes to Office for Mac over the years that I find strange. Labeling axis on a graph in excel for instance is less intuitive than it used to be. But recently I had to use excel on a Windows machine and I have to say it was very strange how it has been organized. The changes to Office for Mac OS are nothing compared to the changes I have seen to Office for Windows OS.

    Mar 28, 02:40 PM
    Cynical move. But it's naive to expect independent awards from Apple.

    Mar 28, 02:43 PM
    I can't see how people can vote this negative...

    The App Stores are Apple's thing. Why can't they award the best apps on those stores?

    Seems like a good idea to me. :)

    Apr 8, 12:19 PM
    You definitely don't want to judge Room by its cover. Disturbing premise.
    And Connelly's latest Mickey Haller novel.

    Westy 12. Best beer in the world, only available in Belgium.

    The fantastic Dreadnaught Imperial IPA from Three Floyds, only in Indiana.

    Beer run

    Shelf for beer

    And some coffee Patron for good measure.

    Apr 25, 12:31 PM
    It's just a small hand.



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