wallpaper stars sky. sunny sky"There is no such thing as bad publicity."
Off topic, but I've worked for Toyota for 13 years. I have a relative that has owned a BP station for several years. (Well, Marathon, now.) There is such thing a bad publicity. ;) But, I know, its a popular and almost true expression, I'm just being a butthead!
Sunny Skies Wallpaper.Based on some of the posts in this one forum, it seems that most are coming from loud mouth teens who know nothing, or just want to say something for the hell of it. Geez!
not even teens, preteens, they are all over this place, and the amount they write here is inversely proportional to their knowledge and experience. uggghhh:eek:
clear sunny sky. ghostlyorbwhy do we (or some of us) want a entire case redesign for MBP... i mean, i can understand the logic behind easily accessible harddrive.. and if i push it, maybe the magnetic latch, but the entire case redesign? what's wrong with the current case? i think most people think the case looks nice...
only the macbook has been redesigned in the intel transition process.. but thats because ibook hasn't gotten a case redesign since ibook g3, no? and plus, it's not even THAT much of a redesign.. and aside from that, mini stayed the same, imac, mac pro all stayed the same (and imac already had a 2nd revision..) i don't see apple redesign it either
I for one hope they redesign the entire case. I dropped my 17" Power Book while it was in my computer bag and caught it by the strap as it hit the floor. I'm not sure if you can picture this, the bag was on my shoulder and slid off and I caught it just as the corner hit. I thought, thank God it was in a computer bag. Well the corner of my computer that it the ground was folded like aluminum foil. I was really surprised that I was able to reshape it back into shape with my hands.
Granted nothing was wrong with the computer, but....
lue sea and sunny sky. CalBoy8. Couldn't give a toss (aka Ryanair). Like we're going to give you anything.
Ryanair must be a British com. or others. I never heard of Ryanair.
more...Sunny Sky by Maria Belldavidjearly
Dec 22, 07:20 AM
You seem to have all the time in the world to come in here and point out how "pathetic" we all are. Really nice of you btw, thanks.
1. I said I had "limited" time to discuss the idea behind the campaign. Limited is the key word. Note, I've not spent significantly more time discussing it than you or others in the thread. I enjoy discussing the idea behind things, trying to get to understand the logic involved. I apologise for expressing an opposing view to the OP. Obviously I have misunderstood the whole concept of a discussion forum.
2. Like another poster above who seems to have incorrectly comprehended my earlier post, I described the campaign as "pathetic". At no point did I describe you, or any other individual as pathetic. There was no personal insults so lets avoid making stuff up, ok?
Call people "pathetic" all you want.
See point 2 above.
I think it's pretty laughable how you've clearly been far more put out by it's very existence than any of those who took part were.
I haven't actually. Again, you seem to be making stuff up. I already explained how I haven't been out out by this at all. I just thought that the whole campaign was totally pointless, and still do.
People seem to be looking in to what was supposed to be a simple bit of fun/rebellion too much. No one cares what record label people are with. It wasn't an attack on labels or the music industry. The point was simple, to have something the complete opposite of X Factor at number 1. We did it, quickly and simply, with minimal fuss, and all from the comfort of sitting in front of our own computers.
If it has made you all feel as though you have more power now to get things done then that's great. I'm really really pleased for you.
Blue Sky cartoon 4 - search IDwell I am able to crash safari every single time in the new .Mac mail
I go to the bottom email on a page and hold the up arrow, safari just quits.
more...A boat, beneath a sunny sky,Mr.Gadget
Sep 25, 10:16 AM
If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?
Retro, Kawaii, Sky, Sunny,The real crime is that there are people with hundreds of dollars to throw away on pretty phone covers while a billion people on the planet don't even have access to safe drinking water.
I'm sure my logic will be ripped apart, but I've made my point. :cool:
Do you have an iPhone 4 ? A car? Or other "non essential items" / luxury items ? EVERYONE, yes even individuals who want to make constant "poor starving African children" stance, have possessions they could do without. Sell your phone, sell your car, stop going to the movies, enjoy basic sustenance and give all your savings to foundations to help those in other counties...THEN you can scold everyone else about how they spend their hard earned dollars on luxury items
more...Sunny Sky WallpaperPilotWings is my biggest let down. There's nothing that 'bad' about it - it's just that it doesn't have the magic of past pilotwings.
This seems to be the demo title - is that because it's mearly a 3D version of Pilot Wings 64?
Seems to be the same as the N64 version when I was doing Free Flight on the Island.
Want to see what Starfox is like, though I heard it's also the same as the N64...
sunny skies wallpaper.If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.
Why are leaked images (almost) always such bad quality?
The source of the pictures said he used his new iPad 2, to take the shots! :cool:
more...Cloud Blue Sky Vectordrumpat01
Mar 11, 07:47 AM
Hey all you Fort Worth people, thanks for coming out so early, all of us employees are very happy to see you guys care so much.
blue sky quot;puffy cartoonits interesting that every intel mac so far, other than the mac mini, has needed a SMC update (if my memory serves me correctly).
It's even more strange that all of them seemed to become louder after the update. How lucky for Apple that all the reviews mentioning the Intel-Macs' exceptional silentness had already been written by then, eh? ;-)
No, there can't possibly be a scheme behind this, no, no... Apple would never do this!
more...blue sea and sunny skyThat sucks Justin Long isn't going to be in the ads anymore. I hope they don't stop them altogether- I was looking forward to some really good ones once Zune and Vista get here... :D
Sadly, the clear sunny sky weI love updates. Hard to say quite way, but any improvements are welcome :)
more...Source - Sunny skiescoolbreeze
Jan 4, 11:33 AM
Is the animation smooth or jerky like all Garmins (unlike TomTom's smooth animation).
Bad Weather cartoon 8 - searchsartinsauce
Oct 9, 03:30 PM
Once I have a decent method of getting my movies from my computer to my TV (i.e. iTV), and iTunes has more selection, I plan on never buying another DVD again. I'm in the minority here I'm sure, but for how long? How long before digital distribution is the method of choice for your average Joe?
I agree, except for one little thing===> HD Content distribution. No real solution for that one yet. You can't very easily d/l a 25GB HD movie. Even compressed, it's a massive freakin' file. I don't think there's a comsumer level internet connection that could support such content offerings.
So where does that leave us? We'll be able to d/l SD movies & TV. Brick and Mortar retailers can continue to sell hard copies with special features and HD DVD/Blu-Ray discs as well. Any retailer worth their weight in liquid soap will markup premium content and delivery formats, and everything will work out fine, until the next big change or trend.
I must agree with everyone who is in essence saying: "I'll download, stream to the TV, and if I need higher quality, special features or a hard copy, I'll stumble to the store (or online retailer) and but the disc.
I don't see how these delivery methods can't work hand in hand.
more...Sunny Sky and Green Fieldmattcube64
Apr 11, 05:29 PM
Your gas is also taxed to hell; meanwhile, I bet your minimum wage is higher, while your cost of living is comparable or lower.
We're at $3.59/Gal right now. Definitely not as bad as some of you have it, but it totally sucks as a poor as hell college student. A fill-up costs me about $60, and lasts me about two weeks. But anytime I want to go home (which, I will for Easter), I will go through about two tanks.
EDIT: Decided to do the research myself; see that you actually don't have a minimum wage in effect. I applaud you, as I don't believe in a minimum wage, myself. That said, what I said does hold true for a fair amount of countries that make fun of Americans for complaining about gasoline prices.
clear and sunny skies | 6 jpgThere are two things going on here, that are very different:
Apple cannot own the word "pod." Sorry guys, you built your brand on a regular 'ol common word. Apple derived a benefit from using an existing word as part of their product name and they can't just turn that around and take the whole damn word for themselves. They could have called it the "iKerbock" you know, and they'd now own "kerbock." But then, they wouldn't have sold as many iKerbocks as iPods, I'd bet.
However, iPod is Apple's word and they should clearly be able to stop people from using it, especially in an mp3 playing context.
podcast - public domain word
iPodcast - infriges on Apple's trademark.
To put it another way: If Apple can decide to own the word pod, what other words can be owned?
Apple never claimed to own the word "pod" in all contexts. If someone called an mp2 player a "SoundPod", you'd agree that would be a clear violation, correct? Apple is not claiming "seed pod", "escape pod", or "sleep pod" as violations.
Then, finally, the same sceneTRUCRACKER
Apr 28, 06:24 PM
Arlington, VA Yesterday :(
$3.99 in Springfield, VA :p
Still bad tho
Be (the positive side of) yourself and just try.
I'm really bad in advising for pickup lines etc so just say something nice to start with. ;)
Mar 26, 01:36 PM
Actually given people are still driving with the oil price rises oil use isn't that elastic...
I'm sure the British government gets far more per capita from 'gas tax' than the US does, probably more overall too.
May 1, 05:03 PM
So riddle me this folks:
IF someone is upgraded to the latest version of Snow Leopard (which includes that 'devil-spawn' of and App Store) and Apple is ONLY going to distribute LION thru the App Store - what the hell do you do after you down load it ?
Seeing as how you cannot be running the primary OS while you are in fact upgrading it ?
OR has Apple decided to run a full blown OS Upgrade like it does it regular updates now?
Why is Apple still including DVD Drives in it's Products ? Why not just completely do away w/ them - they've done it before w/ technology ? Maybe there's a reason why the new laptops that recently came out still have those drives in them beyond just burning disks of your kids playing in a bathtub?
Maybe - Apple will bring back Tape Drives - everyone gets a 50-pound case of Tape Media w/ an install of LION (that includes a free Tape Drive) w/ a Centronix to USB adapter and they will be delivered by purple elephants. Awesome.
Oooooh - let make **** up until the last second before Apple does in fact release it's products on the world w/ an explanation of how and what they are going to do w/ said products.
Well, let me tell you this: If Apple does indeed distribute Lion via the App Store... Apple has its bases covered, based on what I've seen with the Lion Developer Previews. (What I mean is this: Apple has devised a way to install Lion without a bootable disc in the DVD drive. It works darn well, too.)
has anyone tried syncing the contacts yet? i'm curious what information gets pulled down and tied to a contact besides the profile picture and "links."
I'm wondering this too. I had thought it sounded cool until I got to the "I Agree" screen and saw the verbiage about making sure the info that gets pulled from your phone to Facebook is ok with your friends. I clicked "I don't agree" and decided to cone here to see what others are saying.
Nov 17, 05:53 PM
Kinda wonder if this "PI" is even real...
Since the story broke, the guy's website has been posted across every tech news site around.
Fact of the matter is that I am sure that this situation has netted him a few more sales.
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