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Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • $eeGrEeN
    08-02 01:28 PM
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USPS Issued MO's <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    The way you track money orders is , after 30 days from the date u gave them out , pull out the Money Order Sequence "Number" at the bottom of the top slip that you have. Give that in along with $5 to your local post office. they would track it for you and give a report.

    CAREFUL though. USPS , when it goes to track the MO, if it has not been cashed, they will give back the value on that MO (say the face value of the MO is $500 , if un-cashed , they give u $500 ). So, the person intended to cash it cannot.

    If cashed they give you the person's ID who cashed it.

    So, wait for a while before you invoke the process.

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  • arc
    05-30 02:17 PM
    I had another PDF open and the confirmation PDF opened in back ground.

    Make sure:

    You close all PDFs before clicking Finish
    Check your pop-up blocker is off
    try pressing and holding "ctrl" key, then click on finish.

    The window takes about 20-25 seconds to show the PDF Efile confirmation.

    Good Luck!

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  • lfwf
    11-03 11:15 AM
    I hear they will try again to attach the provisions to other bills. Hopefully we will jump in too. Kudos to iv's efforts. If I can sit pretty for the moment with a 485 filed it's thanks to IV. Please keep going.

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  • RandyK
    10-29 02:48 PM

    A new immigration enforcement bill that would remove the jobs magnet for illegal immigration is expected to be introduced in the House very soon. The SAVE Act (Secure America with Verification Enforcement) will be sponsored by Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) and is expected to have bi-partisan support. NumbersUSA believes this bill originating on the Democratic side of the House is just the vehicle to give us a chance to actually pass immigration legislation through a Democratic-controlled Congress that would significantly improve the lives of most Americans. Specifically, The SAVE Act would eventually require every employee in America to go through the E-Verify system, identifying all illegal aliens and removing any "glitches" that once allowed them to pass through the system and into the workforce undetected.

    I don't see anything wrong with this act, infact I was wondering if there was any possibility that we can ride this bill and add EB reforms to it.


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  • GCHope2011
    08-10 08:20 AM
    alright..I came back without any problem.

    Immigration at POE (Dulles airport) was breeze, first officer said, " have parole letter".
    he checked something in the system and asked me to go inside..

    Took baggage..went into customs...where they sent me into another room.

    CBP officer took the AP..felt bad that I have been waiting since 2007 for < 5 mins, stamped and said, good are done.

    Thats it.
    Welcome back and thanks for posting the conclusion of the thread.

    Hope all is well on home front.

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  • gc_nebraska
    01-08 12:58 PM
    Thanks ! Vin13 for the quick response . This was my big dilemma past 5 years and skipped lot of trips just because I was so nervous to travel . Once again I really appreciate your feed back .


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  • enthu999
    07-16 11:01 PM

    I am Canadian citizen and planning to file AOS(ofcourse if there is some news from USCIS:)) currently, I am on TN visa which is of temporary intent unlike
    H1B which is dual intent.

    Planning to travel to Canada in Sept'07 while I am on TN and be back in Oct'07 on H1B which will be valid from Oct-01-2007 till Sept-2010. Will there be any problem if AOS is filed before I leave to Canada.

    Also, my current TN Visa is valid till Sept-30 and my H1B will be effective on my travel back from Canada, if there is any gap between Sept-30 and the date I travel back will there be any problem due this gap once the AOS is filed?

    Please advice,

    Thank you

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  • Jerrome
    10-18 04:06 PM
    The Problem is my employer is not sharing this information with me.I want to make decision of moving the employer only if i know that my 140 is approved. My fear is that my employer may tell me that 140 is still pending even if it is approved.


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  • naveenpratapsingh
    08-17 05:57 PM
    Hi Prem,

    Thank you very much for the insight of my issue. Just want to inform you that my employer(who intitiated the transfer now) are the employer and the client for me. Hopefully I might not get any RFE and as you said if I get the reciept number after 14 or 15 calendar days and update the result of petition in a week or so, that would be great.

    Once again thank you very much for your reply. I will keep posted about my status.


    Did you get the approval or receipt?

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  • jackisback
    05-19 06:17 PM
    The answer to 2 is receipt date. It has been repeatedly mentioned in many websites and forums


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  • Saralayar
    07-27 10:58 AM
    Since I did not know how to write my name in my native alphabet, I askd my wife to write it for me. Is this an issue? Is there any requirement that one must write the name in native alphabet in one's own handwriting?
    Who is going to verify that it is your handwriting???:p Don't think and worry too much...;)

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  • bongopondit
    07-27 12:53 AM
    You can apply for a PCC from Regional Passport Office. I got mine for Rs.300/- at the Passport office in just 2 days and its very simple. If you want a PCC from Police Department its a big hassle in India, you can approach only the Superintendent/Commissioner's Office to request one. Mostly Police in India demand money for these kind of simple things, its nothing but "bribe" which I'm against.

    Hi edaltsis,

    can you tell me which RPO you went to to get the PCC done ? We are in a similar boat. Consulate interview coming up, we are in Australia, local consulate giving us a hard time - saying they will need 2 months to get a PCC !!!! So planning to go to Kolkata to get it done.

    Hi bluez25

    As far as I could make it out, you dont have to have all the documents at VFS - you can submit your PCC at the time of the interview. I remember reading somewhere in the Mumbai Consulate website that you can even submit all your documents at the interview, but you have to pay the courier fees at VFS 10-7 working days in advance. Hope this helps.

    Also, for you and anyone else attending Consular Processing, I got this in an e-mail from the Mumbai Consulate:

    "Yes, you may bring a PCC from the Regional Passport Office in India. Also, if you can, you may get a PCC from the police certificate from the local police station in addition to the PCC from RPO. The PCC from the local police station is not compulsory, but the other PCC is a must from the RPO."


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  • cvk90
    06-24 10:33 AM
    I asked this specific question to my lawyers..Its not true that you are OK as long as you file by July 31st...The dates can retrogress for month of July and then you won't be able to file application after that date. (e.g. after 15 July 07)...I am not an attorney myself but this is what was specifically told first hand to me.

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  • alterego
    02-20 09:44 PM
    Thanks for the correction Googler. I transposed the % into a K value! My bad. However my larger point remains.


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  • h1bq
    02-08 05:44 PM
    Might be slightly more than 6 months...But much faster than EB3/EB2 India/china....

    Are you saying this is just 6 months for GC thru L1A ? Wow !:eek:

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  • arnab221
    11-11 01:23 PM
    Please check this post by murthy on Non 09, 2007

    On October 23, 2007, sixteen members of the New Democrat Coalition, led by the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, requested that "the House take action this year to resolve the immediate talent crisis that is facing U.S. employers." The group is pushing for reform that would increase H1B and employment based permanent residence, or "green card" quotas, before Congress adjourns this year.

    Any IV updates on this ?

    Yet again we have H1B and GC issues together , does this mean there is no chance that this would succeed ?

    This year has seen like a 100 letters go back and forth between the house and senate on High skilled immigration , and we are where we were . The only outcome that the senators have had is they have improved their letter writing skills :D, and the only advantage nancy pelosi has had is that she is now the proud owner of a file which by now is 100 letters thick all pleading her to reform the immigration process and how prodly she can proclaim that she has done NOTHING to improve our plight . :D

    SORRY to SAY this but cannot help but be sarcastic. :confused:


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  • tdasara
    11-21 09:57 AM
    10 Year visa costs over $1000. Transit Visa costs $76

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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    06-20 10:48 PM
    - Got wife's maiden name changed when I lost her passport... couple of years back. Recollect it took ~a week.

    - Present Indian immigration statuc: ECNR, etc. - check your password. It should be ECNR if you've travelled this far... :)

    - 16).Alien registration card number/Employment registration card number_____ (i dont have any of these numbers)

    Don't recollect needing any of the above numbers.

    - In our case, it was new passport in lieu of lost passport.

    If you get in early (i.e. before they close for lunch, but preferably as soon as they open) they'll help you out with all that - generally nice & friendly folks in CGI.


    Hi jazz,
    Iam sending my passport for name change to sanfransisco by mail.I don't live that state.I leave in oregon state.So who can help me in this matter?


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  • prian14
    03-04 05:02 PM
    Is there anything i can do on H4 visa??

    07-26 10:59 AM
    My company attorneys are in the process of filing my AOS application per the July bulletin. I have an approved labor certification and an approved I-140. Turns out due to internal restructuring a new legal vehicle was created under the existing company and groups re-aligned. Job function and location haven't changed.

    The attorneys are syaing that since the I-140 was approved prior to the restructuring, they will be filing a new successor-in-interest I-140 with my AOS application.

    My question is since I had an approved I-140 is this considered an amendment to the previous i-140 and processed at I-485 adjudication stage or is it considered a brand new filing aubject to the i-140 backlog in processing.

    I would appreciate a response from Logiclife (since he had posted a similar scenario) or sopmeone else in similar situations or with knowledge of the above.

    01-08 10:22 AM
    As many of us get ready to use AC21 to switch from current employers, i wanted to get your feed back on a very common contartual obligation.

    Now my employer had nothing to do with me getting my clients, i do my own marketing and negotiationas, but of course the employer signs on all the papers. Will i still have to change clients when i switch employer?

    Whatever work related activities you do, including finding new clients, while employed, belongs to the employer (unless you have an agreement to the contrary, which you don't). Therefore, when you leave the employer, as per agreement you have, you can not take those clients with you.



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