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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • SabHer
    Dec 22, 04:21 PM
    I don't understand why anyone gets so upset about who should be Christmas Number 1? Don't be daft! Whoever is on the top spot...we don't get anything out of it!!! Rage or Joe? Who cares...I like them both. 'Killing in the name' reminds me of my Youth, it is an old good tune and its nice to have it back. Saying that Joe is a lovely young singer under the Simon Cowell claws, forced to sing a totally unsuitable song. Before they even started x-factor finalists live shows they already declared that song being xmas number 1. I am glad that they were wrong in a way. Simon Cowell is still laughing though as it totally boosted Joe's song sales as everyone who actually liked it (or was brainwashed to like it) bought it! So there we go...all it did was creating publicity! Lets be happy that we get so much choice of music and if we don't buy it we can still listen to it on spotify!

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  • whoodie
    Mar 23, 10:19 PM
    Anything new to report guys?

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  • Michael CM1
    Jun 22, 04:21 PM
    I jumped on a month of Gold for $1. Close enough to free. Amazon also has the 12 months at $35 with the free super saver shipping. This thing is so gonna break me.

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  • MacNut
    Apr 5, 12:06 PM
    In the snow areas more damage is done to the roads with thawing and freezing than the cars driving over them. Road salts eat through quicker than cars just driving on them. Sure the cars add to the wear but they are not the only factor. As long as we plow and treat the roads they will need to be repaired quicker regardless of how much traffic there is.


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  • maroontiger2k9
    Mar 23, 04:20 PM
    Thats a tough one...while a non-apple device will sell better with an airplay compatible badge, its hard to argue that the opposite will drive more sales of iPads. Sorry folks, pay the Apple.

    this is a brilliant idea... but honestly, i would let competitors struggle for another 8 years before i let AIRPLAY on other devices...

    b/c this could potentially generate interest in competitors... or it could allow apple to pull profits from competitors who will ultimately FAIL to generate enough interest

    think about it... other competitors would probably get their devices integrated with itunes so that they can HOME SHARE AIRPLAY to their phones/tablets/etc..

    apple will make a profit for just providing access to airplay.... the problem is if if the competitor becomes more popular or as popular as apple... would the competitor throw apple a bone?! i dont think so

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  • jms969
    Apr 12, 02:00 PM
    Outlook still only works with gmail email. There is no support for gmail calendars, contacts, todo's, etc...

    Outlook is still unusable.


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  • ReanimationLP
    Sep 17, 10:21 PM
    One day, just rush into the store and shout "I Love You!". That should get her attention.

    Yeah... and get beat down or arrested for stalking. lol. :D

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  • efoto
    Sep 18, 11:48 PM
    If you do get a chance to talk to her again, BE CREATIVE! Send her an instant message on iChat from across the store... save her from a masked man robbing the store at gun...., well you get the picture.

    Lastly, Dont get to into detail in this post... there is a possibly she or one of her co-workers cruises the macrumors forums, and she could find this really creepy or really cool :D

    I sincerely apologize if I have repeated anything that someone else has said
    but I think its really cool that you reached out to a community that usually deals with computer questions. :D

    How would one send an instant message across the store to another computer in the same store? I realize the whole to her portion would require her presence in front of a computer, I am just talking in general, unless you signed into both and sent it to yourself or something :confused:

    I decided it didn't matter to go into detail in the post because it just doesn't matter. If she is on here, or a friend is on here, well fine and dandy, I hope she remembers who I am. If she is as smart as she was cute (building the points here in case she is reading ;) ) then she can go check the member photo directory and recall what I look like, I don't care. I would dare to say that if she finds this really creepy then she probably didn't read the entire thread, because after doing so she should realize that I am just shy and unknowing, not stalkerish and creepy (at least I hope not). Either way, if she realizes who this is and is interested, she can say hi next time....guys don't mind when women act too, at least I don't :)

    As far as reaching out here, well who else would I ask? :rolleyes:
    Computers, personal finances, women, life goals, car help, it's all here....I think :confused: :D


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  • 63dot
    Mar 12, 05:05 PM
    Honda has been building cars in Ohio at least since the early '90s. Had a '93 Civic built in East Liberty or Marysville... can't remember which. Sadly, the Fits (I actually own an '09) come from Japan.

    God that Fit is a seriously sexy car. I know a couple of anti-global warming types who believe that humans can never have an impact on such a large planet, but whatever the truth is (Al Gore warning us, or Al Gore making serious bucks as a failed presidential candidate getting rich off of the green movement, anti-global warming types often point to the Honda Fit and Toyota Corolla as cars that have a smaller carbon footprint than the Toyota Prius or yuppie mobile Mini Coopers snotty rich liberals like to drive? And I am a liberal and even those liberals with small or hybrid cars who give me dirty looks because I can't afford their new Prius or mini just drive me nuts.

    Anyway, environmentalist or not, what do you think about the Fit's overall city and highway gas mileage? And does it really beat the Prius in overall gas mileage? Toyota also has a very similar small type of car that is totally sexy. To me, small is sexy (but not Smart Car), and I could parallel park easier than my huge SW, and get great gas mileage.

    I have also considered Mazda 3 and Pontiac Vibe.

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  • SFRtje
    Jun 11, 03:14 AM
    Can you post pictures of the back? Does it have scratches? If it's all good, I'm offering you 280 dollars, but you have to send it to the Netherlands..


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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 6, 05:38 PM
    It would encourage efficiency massively

    And a paucity of lawyers holding public office.

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  • EiriasEmrys
    Feb 24, 10:10 PM
    I love how innocent they make the kids out to be. Utterly ridiculous. I would have robbed my parents blind with this. "I thought it was smurf coins, mommy - not real money." ********, I would abuse the system. My sister racked up a $350 phone bill the first month she had a phone - in sixth grade. She knew she only had 100 txts back then, that didn't stop her from Txting. Point is, kids are going to download **** when they can, regardless of how many notifications say "warning! Daddy's credit card will be charged." Uh, oh, I better not buy the mightyeagle now!


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  • ddtlm
    Oct 2, 08:53 PM
    Not Microsoft's market... yet.

    They want that peice of the pie. Give them time, they will try to take it.

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  • tmphoto
    Sep 27, 12:27 PM
    Could be that the 400D came with the latest software. Have you tried getting an update from the Canon website (DPP 2.2 etc). I can PM you the version numbers of the various utilities later on if you want?

    Thanks but, yes I spent hours on it the day I realized there was a problem. First reinstalling, then checking for updates and after a lot failure I checked the forums at dpreview and found that I was not alone and that it was in fact the OS update that caused it.
    Canon's site even acknowledges the problem.


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  • DonMoeMU
    Apr 12, 02:47 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    This update also makes you quit Safari too. I would like to know what the reasoning is there. hmmm

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 1, 05:00 PM
    I'm hoping one of the super secret features is a completely reworked Finder.

    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.


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  • SciFrog
    Apr 16, 08:14 AM
    Every little bit helps. But what we really need is people with 8 cores plus (virtual, desktop machine) running bigadv, at least until faster GPU and/or a GPU client for mac.

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 08:32 PM
    Shame people had to spoil it but xD It was fun while it lasted :P Did Gareth fully install Leopard on his MBP?

    Yeah, completed without a hitch. All in all took 20-25 minutes which I thought was rather impressive! I think I'm finally finished with getting Leopard on my Mac Pro and getting everything nice and dandy. Installing it on the iBook took *forever* but I was doing an upgrade on that one.

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  • alent1234
    May 2, 01:49 PM
    i bet SJ was hyperventilating and staying up sleepless nights because they white iphone was thicker. finally after months he relented and allowed a thicker phone to go on sale

    Nov 14, 09:59 AM
    Zune will probably only need an adapter to work with all this stuff

    Apr 3, 01:43 PM
    Great post. I've heard of Pages by Pages, but I didn't think that Apple's Pages was a direct descendant. While I took programming classes in college on a NeXT box, I never used the app and thought it was more of a classic word processor.
    A lot of people didn't give Pages a try back then... it was a little expensive ($795), and I was using FrameMaker for papers on NeXT systems back then.

    As for the rest of the discussion about comparing Pages to other apps...

    I think it's absolutely fair to compare Pages to what else is out there...
    What I see Pages as trying to do (again) is to define a new category.

    I've seen the same thing happen with Create. When people try to do a toe-to-toe line up on some other app's specialty area, it is going to fall short. Compare Create to Illustrator in doing illustration and Illustrator wins... But it should, after all it is a dedicated illustration app, while Create is not. Compare Create to InDesign or QuarkXPress for page layout and those other apps win... But they should, after all they are dedicated layout apps. Further, all those dedicated apps cost far more than Create.

    The problem is that most people hold up what is new to what they know. I think that if something like Create was held up to QuarkXPress looking at both apps illustration abilities, that would be just as fair. It is when we restrict these newer (to most people) apps to categories that they are not attempting to compete in directly that the comparisons fall far short.

    I truly believe that apps like Pages and Create fill voids that exist in the software industry today. First, they don't cost as much as high end solutions. Second, they address some ranges of users which other companies try to force into high or low end apps. The gulf between the high end and low end has been getting larger over the years.

    Pages lets people with little background make quality documents. Create provides a middle ground for people with experience that don't have the money or need for the top of the line professional apps.

    Rather than pushing these into other categories, we should embrace these apps for filling these gaps in our (collective) software selection.

    As I said, Pages, is not for me... but it is a solution for someone and I recognize that. And I sure don't need (or want) Apple to redefine it around my needs at the expense of those it is design to serve.


    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that just because Pages isn't the app that some people want it to be doesn't make it a bad app or one that doesn't have it's place in the computing world.

    Mar 27, 01:57 PM
    Right now I have a 24" white iMac with a 2.33 Ghz C2D and a 15" MacBook Pro with a 2.53 Ghz C2D. Both computers are great and work perfectly for what I do. The only problem is having two computers is overkill for me. Transferring files and apps is just too much of a hassle. What I'd like to do is get one of the new 13" MacBook Pros and get an external display to hook up when I'm using it at my desk. I just have a few questions. But first, let me tell you what I use my computer for: I do some web design and development, using CSSEdit, Espresso, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Illustrator, Photoshop. I do some RAW photo editing using Aperture and Photoshop. I do a lot of casual web surfing, emailing, etc. I watch videos on Hulu. I'll be going to school in the fall for computer science, so I'll be doing some (or a lot) of...whatever it is they have me doing. I do absolutely no gaming. So, here are my questions:

    Apr 1, 01:11 PM
    You're misunderstanding. It's not a cobranded box that says TiVo, that's coming in the future, but DirecTV outsourced their DVR software development to TiVo years ago....

    "It's official! TiVo and DIRECTV have renewed their partnership"

    They're working on a true Tivo box that'll support directv, whereas in the past it's just been software they've developed as private label for DirecTV... hence the "renewed partnership" wording.

    Their renewed partnership is because there used to be a DirecTivo (which was a dvr separate from the other boxes) that was launched back in 1999 and went through a series of upgrades until 2007.

    Their current software found in their boxes is done in house, I know a few people who test it.

    Apr 12, 04:08 PM
    Here is the thing about Verizon iPad 2's versus AT&T iPad 2's. The AT&T version is not restricted to AT&T and can be bought by a visitor for use in another country on a local carrier whereas the Verizon will only work on Verizon.



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